The complexities involved in ideally defining leadership, a leader and a follower. B. Raven and J. Rubin (1976) defined a leader is ‘someone who occupies a position in a group, influences others in accordance with the role expectation of the position and coordinates and directs the group in maintaining itself and reaching its goal.’ (more…)

10 Main Characteristics of Leadership in Organizations
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What are the Different Functions of a Leader in an Organization?
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Leadership is a means of directing. It represents that part of an executive’s activities by which he guides and influences the behaviour of his subordinates and the group towards some specified goals by personally working with them and understanding their feeling and problems. (more…)

How does Culture affect Climate of Leadership?
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Each organization has its own distinctive culture. It is a combination of the founders, past leadership, current leadership, crises, events, history and size. This results in rites: the routines, rituals and the ‘way we do things.’ These rites influence the individual behaviour on what it takes to be in good standing (the norm) and direct […]