“Fashion” is the name given to the prevailing style of living among the upper classes and the rich. Among the members of the “smart set” of any country, certain styles of houses, furniture, foods and drinks, times of meals, amusements, polite customs, and especially dress, are “fashionable.” (more…)

523 Words Short for students Essay on Fashion
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801 Words Sample Essay on Fashions (free to read)
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Fashions change faster than the weather. They change according to the tastes, likes and dislikes of the people in the society. They are always in a kind of flux. They touch us very intimately. They are there in dresses, manners, way of living, food, literature, furniture etc. There is hardly any walk of life which […]

Essay on Fashion
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Essay on Fashion (1277 Words) Every person nurtures an innate desire of looking good and feel ‘accepted’ in the socio-economic circle. The word fashion instantaneously brings to mind a flash of colour with a dash of glamour. (more…)