Authority is given to the Position and not to the Position-Holder – Authority is given by the institution to the position and not to the position-holder. At the time of structuring the organisation, the authority to different positions is allocated and the person is chosen later on possessing the requirements necessary to hold that position. […]

Authority is given to the Position and not to the Position-Holder – Essay
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Importance of Power and Authority in Public Administrations – Essay
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Importance of Power and Authority in Public Administrations – Essay (more…)

What are the Barriers to the Delegation of Authority in Organizations?
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The barriers to the delegation of authority are discussed as follows: 1. From Executives’ Side: (i) There are managers who prefer to withhold a larger part of their authority under the pretext that even after delegation they still continue to remain responsible for the accomplishment of tasks assigned to them. Such a psychology is self-defeating […]