For smooth and efficient functioning, the DGS&D is divided into the following four main wings:
(a) Supplies wing.
(b) Inspection wing.
(c) Progress wing.
(d) Disposal wing.
The different wings are further classified into various directorates in order to ensure homogeneous working of the whole organisation.
1. Supplies Wing:
The supplies wing is responsible for effecting purchases. This wing consists of various directorates in the headquarters of the organisation e.g., mechanical engineering, railway stores, electrical stores, oil, paints and chemicals, civil armaments etc., and the four regional directorates in important cities (for decentralised items) and also the Director of supplies, at Mumbai.
All foreign purchases are, however, centralised with the headquarters of the organisation at New Delhi.
The wing, which is the main stay of the whole organisation at head quarters, is divided into the following ten purchase directorates each of them under the charge of a Director of supplies.
1. Workshop machines and tools directorate.
2. Railway stores directorate.
3. Timber, wool and leather directorate.
4. Vehicles directorate.
5. Project directorate.
6. Mechanical engineering stores directorate.
7. Electrical stores directorate.
8. Oils, paints and chemicals directorate.
9. Vehicle directorate.
10. Miscellaneous and hardware directorate.
Four regional offices of the directorate located at Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai and Kanpur are empowered to purchase quite a large number of items of which individual demands are of the value of less than Rs. 6 lakhs. But all demands which are financed through foreign loans irrespective of their nature and value are purchased by the purchase directorate at the headquarters.
2. Inspection Wing:
Inspection wing, which is headed by a Deputy Director General (inspection), is responsible for inspecting the materials ordered by the supply wing to the required drawings and specifications. It acts as an advisor to the indentors and purchase officers in the supplies wing in technical matters.
It also arranges inspection against direct orders placed by the indenters like railways, who prefer to get their materials inspected by D.G.S&D particularly in cases involving advance payments. There is a network of inspection circles spread all over India manned by suitable technical officers for carrying out inspection activities.
3. The Progress Wing:
The progress wing headed by a Deputy Director General (progress) is responsible for watching the progress of contracts arranged by the supplies wing. They utilise the services of field officers and inspectors attached to them for watching the progress. They are required to advise the user departments periodically regarding the progress of supplies against the contracts placed for them.
4. Disposal Wing:
The disposal wing looks after the disposal of such stocks of unwanted stores offered to them by central undertakings (except railways), State governments, State government undertakings, custom houses, excise collectors etc.