Most of the immigrants from Europe were Catholics. They were very orthodox as far as their religious and social feelings were concerned. Therefore they established schools in their colonies according to their religious and social beliefs.
These schools were controlled and managed by their religious leaders, priests and missionaries. School expenditure was also borne by them. With the passage of time and changing circumstances, the administration of these schools came under the control of the local boards. Even today these local boards administer the schools.
The members of the Local Boards are elected by the people. These members elect the administrative officer of the local school board. The administrative officer is known as the Superintendent of Local School.
The term of the members and Superintendent is indefinite. But the Board does not consist of more than 9 members. Most of the administrative work is conducted by these Local School Boards. The number of these Boards in the whole country is about 201,000.
These School Boards frame the school curriculum according to their social traditions and inclinations. State control on these schools is only with regard to standard of education and training in vocational subjects, otherwise they are entirely free in the selection of optional subjects, extra-curricular studies and religious subjects.
In some schools the study of the Bible is compulsory, while in others its study is not permitted. Most of the schools in U.S.A. are in the hands of the Local School Boards.
Only the centrally administered areas have schools controlled by the Federal Government. In Delavair State, the educational organisation is in the hands of the State Government. Due to strong patriotic feelings in U.S.A, the subjects related to patriotism and nationalism occupies an important place in the curriculum.