832 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Forgetting” for Psychology Students – Part 7
601. The basis constructs of the interference theory of forgetting are:
(a) Eidetic Images
(b) Tricks
(c) Stimulus and Response
(d) Mnemonic Devices
(e) None of the above
602. When responses of the original and interpolated learning materials are identical:
(a) There is amnesia
(b) There is inhibition
(c) There is facilitation
(d) There is generalization
(e) There is differentiation
603. Interference Theory has undergone considerable upheavals during the last few years and it has moved away from pure:
(a) Behaviourism
(b) Structuralism
(c) Functionalism
(d) Associationism
(e) None of the above
604. Virtually interference was considered to be a matter of:
(a) Stimulus Competition
(b) Response Competition
(c) Photographic Memory
(d) Eidetic Images
(e) None of the above
605. Who, with some experimental evidences, has shown that proactive interference plays a very important role in determining paired- associate recall?
(a) Kohler
(b) Robinson
(c) Underwood
(d) E. L. Throndike
(e) J.B. Watson
606. The essence of which theory reveals that the temporal dimension of experience is transferred into spatial dimensions within the brain field and is thereby rendered interpretable by the same principle that apply to perception ?
(a) Interference Theory
(b) Trace Theory
(c) Psychoanalytic Theory
(d) Motivational Theory
(e) None of the above
607. Who, in his stimulating book “Remembering”, explores the theory of constructive changes in memory?
(a) Ebbinghaus
(b) Robinson
(c) Berlett
(d) Anderson
(e) Gates
608. Who has experimented with a North American Folk Tale “The War of Ghosts” to show constructive changes in memory?
(a) Ebbinghaus
(b) Irion
(c) Robinson
(d) Bertlett
(e) Anderson
609. One boy, after reading a novel for one hour, took 16 trials to remember a poem. Another boy, after resting for one hour, took 12 trials to remember the same poem. What is the independent variable in this experiment?
(a) Retroactive Inhibition
(b) Verbal Learning
(c) Proactive Inhibition
(d) Rote Memory
(e) None of the above
610. Sometimes we forget the story of a film because of its similarity with other film stories we have seen before or after it. Such forgetting is due to:
(a) Amnesia
(b) Interference
(c) Conflict
(d) Tension
(e) Fatigue
611. You learn something and try to find out how much you have retained after a week by trying to learn that again. What is this method of testing retention called?
(a) Relearning and Savings
(b) Recognition
(c) Reconstruction
(d) Recall
(e) None of the above
612. The average span of immediate memory is:
(a) 5 (Five)
(b) 3 (Three)
(c) 7 (Seven)
(d) 9 (Nine)
(e) 6 (Six)
613. When learning of new things interferes with the memory of things learned earlier, the type of interference is called as:
(a) Proactive Inhibition
(b) Retroactive Inhibition
(c) Response Interference
(d) Stimulus Interference
(e) None of the above
614. Blueler was a/an:
(a) French Psychiatrist
(b) German Psychiatrist
(c) Swiss Psychiatrist
(d) Russian Psychiatrist
(e) Indian Psychiatrist
615. The emotional responses of schizophrenics are:
(a) Haphazard
(b) Dynamic
(c) Specific
(d) Not specific
(e) None of the above
616. “Benign Stuper” is associated with:
(a) Delusions of Grandure
(b) Delusions of persecution
(c) Delusions of Nihillism
(d) Delusions of Death
(e) None of the above
617. Kretschmer stressed that schizophrenic patients tend to be:
(a) Asthenic
(b) Athletic
(c) Pyknic
(d) Somatotonic
(e) Viscerotonic
618. In his psychoanalytic theory, Freud depicts that phobias result from anxiety that is produced by repressed:
(a) Id impulses
(b) Ego
(c) Superego
(d) Libido
(e) None of the above
619. The classical case of “Little Hans” depicting how phobias result from anxiety that is produced by repressed id impulses was illustrated by:
(a) C. G. Jung
(b) Anna Freud
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) Alfred Adler
(e) Otto Rank
620. The fear-mediated avoidance out of proportion to the danger posed by a particular object of situation is called:
(a) Delusion
(b) Phobia
(c) Hallucination
(d) Obsessive compulsive Neurosis
(e) None of the above
621. Pathological fears were first recognized by:
(a) Eysenk
(b) Hippocrates
(c) Allport
(d) Kretzchmer
(e) None of the above
622. J. B. Watson’s experiment of conditioning fear in little Albert is often quoted to explain:
(a) Histeria
(b) Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis
(c) Phobia
(d) Schizophrenia
(e) Epilepsy
623. In 1947, the learning theorist Mowrer tried to explain phobia in terms of two related sets of learning namely:
(a) Classical conditioning and Instrumental conditioning
(b) Insightful learning and Trial and Error Learning
(c) Operant conditioning and Insightful learning
(d) Imitation and Imprinting
(e) None of the above
624. Relaxation and desensitization are two techniques that have been reported to be effective in the treatment of:
(a) Hysteria
(b) Phobia
(c) Schizophrenia
(d) Epilepsy
(e) None of the above
625. In which type of neurotic disorder the individual suffers from unwelcome and unpleasant ideas which recur again and again?
(a) Hysteria
(b) Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis
(c) Phobia
(d) Anxiety Neurosis
(e) None of the above
626. The most common symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia is regression to a state of:
(a) Motor disturbances
(b) Speech disturbances
(c) Personality disorder
(d) Adjustment difficulties
(e) None of the above
627. According to Freudian Psychoanalytic theory, schizophrenia is regression to a state of:
(a) Anal stage
(b) Oral stage
(c) Phallic stage
(d) Primary Narcissism
(e) None of the above
628. To explain schizophrenic behaviour Ulman and Kretzchemer have applied the :
(a) Programmed Learning
(b) Social Learning Model
(c) Systematic Desensitization
(d) Milieu Theory
(e) Family Theory
629. Ronald Laing’s theory of schizophrenia reveals that it is certain kind of:
(a) Problematic Experience and behaviour
(b) Personality Disorder
(c) Motor Disorder
(d) Verbal Disorder
(e) None of the above
630. The chief difference between paranoid states and paranoid schizophrenia lies only in the degree of:
(a) Creativity
(b) Personality Organisation
(c) Intelligence (I.Q.)
(d) Motivation
(e) None of the above
631. The social learning theory explains schizophrenia in terms of absence reaction to :
(a) Environmental stimuli
(b) Social stimuli
(c) Physical stimuli
(d) Both environmental and physical stimuli
(e) None of the above
632. The concept of manic depressive psychoses was developed by:
(a) Kraepelin
(b) J. D. Page
(c) Mc Farland
(d) Pallock
(e) Rosaneff
633. Which type of mental disorder is said to occur in old age when both men and women go through physiological changes called climatic and menopause respectively?
(a) Paranoia
(b) Catatonia
(c) Involutional Melancholia
(d) Alcoholic Psychoses
(e) None of the above
634. In “Manic Stuper”, there is extreme:
(a) Psychomotor Retardation
(b) Extroversion
(c) Intoxication
(d) Temper Tantrum
(e) None of the above
635. Down’s syndrome is caused by:
(a) Infection
(b) Intoxication
(c) Chromosomal aberratons
(d) Emotional Trauma
(e) None of the above
636. In India, psychoanalysis as a therapeutic procedure, was introduced by:
(a) R. Rath
(b) G. Bose
(c) J. P. Das
(d) V. Veeraraghavan
(e) None of the above
637. The techniques used by psychoanalysts to trace the repressed conflicts are:
(a) Hypnosis and Introspection
(b) Case history and Introspection
(c) Free Association and Dream Analysis
(d) Clinical method and observation
(e) None of the above
638. Clinet-centred therapy is otherwise known as:
(a) Chemo Therapy
(b) Directive Therapy
(c) Group Therapy
(d) Non-directive Therapy
(e) Family Therapy
639. Non-directive therapy is associated with the name of:
(a) Stein (1971)
(b) Carl Rosers (1951)
(c) Leoff (1970)
(d) Harding (1965)
(e) Houghton (1967)
640. The key-concept in Rogerian Therapy is:
(a) Self-regulation
(b) Self-Confidence
(c) Self-actualization
(d) Self-evaluation
(e) None of the above
641. The proponent of Gestalt Therapy is:
(a) Frederik S. Peris (1969)
(b) W. Kohler
(c) Koffka
(d) Wortheimer
(e) None of the above
642. “Rational-emotive Therapy” has been initiated by:
(a) Kennedy (1971)
(b) Moldofsky (173)
(c) Ponick (1971)
(d) Ellis (1975)
(e) None of the above
643. With the experiment on Albert, J.B. Watson may be considered to have pioneered:
(a) Group Therapy
(b) Non-directive Therapy
(c) Behaviour Therapy
(d) Directive Therapy
(e) None of the above
644. Which therapy is generally used for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and homosexuality?
(a) Directive Therapy
(b) Non-directive Therapy
(c) Aversion Therapy
(d) Group Therapy
(e) Chemo Therapy
645. Who has coined “Psychodrama” with “Group Therapy” in 1931?
(a) Stein brook
(b) Paul
(c) J. L. Moreno
(d) Freedman
(e) Kaplan
646. The first brain surgery on a human patient was done by:
(a) Antonio Egas Moniz
(b) Kline
(c) Wolman
(d) Cliffe
(e) Cochran
647. Now-a-days, biofeedback is being used in the treatment of:
(a) Hysteria
(b) Phobia
(c) Psychosomatic disorders and epilepsy
(d) Paranoia
(e) Catatonia
648. Hypnosis is an artificially induced trance state characterized by:
(a) Personality disintegration
(b) Complexity of motives
(c) Homeostatic imbalances
(d) Heightened suggestibility
(e) None of the above
649. The duration of the behaviour therapy is much shorter than other types of therapies. Hence it is:
(a) Less expensive and easier
(b) Not applicable for abnormal diseases
(c) Not practicable
(d) Not being used anywhere in the world
(e) None of the above
650. “Aversion” is one of the conditioning procedures used in:
(a) Non-directive Therapy
(b) Directive Therapy
(c) Behaviour Therapy
(d) Group Therapy
(e) None of the above
651. Which technique is none other than a deconditioning or counter conditioning procedure used to breakdown neurotic anxiety reaction in the model of experimental neurosis?
(a) Milieu Therapy
(b) Psychotherapy
(c) Nondirective Therapy
(d) Systematic Desensitisation
(e) None of the above
652. The first account of successful flooding was given by Guthrie when he treated an adolescent girl with an/a:
(a) Acrophobia
(b) Agoraphobia
(c) Nyctophobia
(d) Automobile Phobia
(e) None of the above
653. The existential therapy is also otherwise known as:
(a) Milieu Therapy
(b) Psychotherapy
(c) Group Therapy
(d) Group Therapy
(e) Logo therapy
(f) None of the above
654. “Forensic Psychology” is term that implies psychology in the service of:
(a) Industry
(b) Labour
(c) Employment
(d) Law
(e) None of the above
655. The forensic psychologist occupies two distinct roles in the court, in one, he is a forensic scientist, in the other:
(a) An individual
(b) A psychologist
(c) A clinician
(d) A therapist
(e) None of the above
656. In some cases, phobic neurotics have serious difficulty in making decisions which Kaufman facetiously called:
(a) Agoraphobia
(b) Acrophobia
(c) Decidophobia
(d) Zoophobia
(e) Nyctophobia
657. Sigmund Freud emphatically told that phobias represent displaced anxiety associated with the:
(a) Oedipus Complex
(b) Electra Complex
(c) Libido
(d) Fixation
(e) Narcissism
658. “Suggestibility” plays a major role in the development of:
(a) Manic-depressive Psychoses
(b) Catatonia
(c) Paranoia
(d) Mass Hysteria
(e) None of the above
659. Conversion Reaction in one individual rapidly spreads to others in:
(a) Phobia
(b) Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis
(c) Dissociative Reaction
(d) Mass Hysteria
(e) None of the above
660. Scizophrenia and Paranoia are considered to be thought disorders, while the affective psychosis is dominated by:
(a) Personality Disorder
(b) Visceral Disturbance
(c) Endocrine Disturbance
(d) Mood Disturbance
(e) None of the above
661. Hebephenic reactions usually occur:
(a) In old age
(b) In adolescence
(c) At an earlier age
(d) In adulthood
(e) None of the above
662. Psychodrama is a very interesting form of group therapy which is based on:
(a) Role-playing techniques
(b) Non-directive principles
(c) Directive principles
(d) Defence mechanism
(e) None of the above
663. A psychoanalytic procedure for probing the unconscious in which the individual gives a running account of his every thought or feeling is known as:
(a) Hypnosis
(b) Behaviour Therapy
(c) Free-Association
(d) Non-Directive Therapy
(e) None of the above
664. Hematophobia is otherwise known as:
(a) Hemophobia
(b) Zoophobia
(c) Nyctophobia
(d) Ochlophobia
(e) Acrophobia
665. To fake illness or disability symptoms consciously is called:
(a) Peptic Ulcer
(b) Psychosomatic Disorder
(c) Malinger
(d) Thought Disorder
(e) Personality Disorder
666. The fixed belief that everything is unreal is called:
(a) Delusion of Grandure
(b) Delusion of Persecution
(c) Universal Illusion
(d) Nihilistic Delusion
(e) Personal Illusion
667. Any adjustive demand that required coping behaviour on part of the individual or group is called:
(a) Conflict
(b) Tension
(c) Trauma
(d) Stress
(e) None of the above
668. Taking one’s own life is:
(a) Regression
(b) Narcissism
(c) Death Instinct
(d) Suicide
(e) None of the above
669. Temporary loss of consciousness resulting from cerebral anemia is known as:
(a) Coma
(b) Death
(c) Suicide
(d) Syncope
(e) Dream
670. A group or pattern of symptoms which occur together in a disorder and represent the typical picture of the disorder is called:
(a) Anomaly
(b) Difficulties
(c) Disorders
(d) Syndrome
(e) None of the above
671. Psychosis and related thought disturbances characterized by severe disturbances of feeling are called:
(a) Personality Disorders
(b) Emotional Disorders
(c) Vocational Disorders
(d) Affective Disorders
(e) None of the above
672. Brain waves having a frequency of 8 to 12 cycles per second and accompanied by a state of wakeful relaxation are known as:
(a) Beta waves
(b) Alpha waves
(c) Gama waves
(d) EEG waves
(e) None of the above
673. A mild schizophrenic who is not hospitalized and continues to live and function in the community is known as:
(a) Ambulatory Scizophrenic
(b) Catatonic
(c) Paranoid
(d) Phobic
(e) Hysteric
674. Insensitivity to pain without loss of consciousness is known as:
(a) Amnesia
(b) Abasia
(c) Analgesia
(d) Nausea
(e) None of the above
675. Apaxia is the loss of ability to perform:
(a) In a definity way
(b) Purposeful movements
(c) In a systematic way
(d) In a haphazard way
(e) None of the above
676. Brain waves having a frequency of 18 to 30 cycles per second and associated with problem solving and feelings of tension are known as:
(a) Gama Waves
(b) EEG Waves
(c) Alpha Waves
(d) Beta Waves
(e) None of the above
677. Extreme form of thought modification and control is known as:
(a) Hypnosis
(b) Free-Association
(c) Brain-storming
(d) None of the above
678. The attempt to use Alpha or other brain waves for psychotherapeutic purposes is called:
(a) ECS therapy
(b) Brain Wave Therapy
(c) Brain Storming
(d) Free-Association
(e) None of the above
679. Which type of Schizophrenia is characterized by periods of extreme excitement and extreme withdrawal?
(a) Paranoia
(b) Hebephrenic Type
(c) Catatonic Schizophrenia
(d) Simple Type
(e) None of the above
680. The discharge of emotional tension associated with repressed traumatic material is called:
(a) Regression
(b) Catharsis
(c) Emotional Trauma
(d) Conflict
(e) None of the above
681. Bleeding into brain tissue from ruptured blood vessel is called:
(a) Brain Storming
(b) Brain washing
(c) Brain Surgery
(d) Cerebral Haemorrhage
(e) None of the above
682. Energizer is a drug which has:
(a) Inhibitory Effect
(b) Disorganising Effect
(c) Disintegrating Effect
(d) Stimulating Effect
(e) None of the above
683. The catalyst regulating metabolic activities is known as:
(a) Hormone
(b) Andorgens
(c) Adrenalin
(d) Enzyme
(e) None of the above
684. The technique of behaviour modification in which people are rewarded for appropriate behaviour with tokens that can be exchanged for desired items or privileges is known as:
(a) Partial Reinforcement
(b) Continuous Reinforcement
(c) Token Economy
(d) Latent Learning
(e) None of the above
685. The process in psychotherapy in which the clients project attitudes and emotions applicable to another significant person or to the therapist is called:
(a) Free-association
(b) Transference
(c) Hypnosis
(d) Programmed Instruction
(e) None of the above
686. The treatment of the mental disorders by improving social relationships and modification of the environment is known as :
(a) Group Therapy
(b) Behaviour Therapy
(c) Chemotherapy
(d) Sociotherapy
(e) None of the above
687. Providing reeducation and suitable environment in dealing with criminals and delinquents is known as:
(a) Criminology
(b) Integrated Learning
(c) Programmed Learning
(d) Rehabilitation
(e) None of the above
688. Insatiable impulse for sexual gratification in women is known as:
(a) Cleptomania
(b) Schizophrenia
(c) Toxic Psychosis
(d) Nymphomania
(e) None of the above
689. Which term was coined by Braid to replace the term “Mesmerism”?
(a) Free-association
(b) Brain Storming
(c) Hypnotism
(d) Brain Washing
(e) None of the above
690. “Loss of Appetite” is otherwise known as:
(a) Aphonia
(b) Anorexia
(c) Astasia-abasia
(d) Amnesia
(e) None of the above
691. Marked disturbance in the coordination of voluntary muscular movements is called:
(a) Astasia-abasia
(b) Anorexia
(c) Amnesia
(d) Ataxia
(e) Aphonia
692. Treatment of interpersonal aspects of the individual’s life situation is known as:
(a) Group therapy
(b) Behaviour Therapy
(c) Non-directive therapy
(d) Sociotherapy
(e) None of the above
693. Somnabulism refers to:
(a) Walking Imbalances
(b) Standing Imbalances
(c) Simple Intoxiation
(d) Sleepwalking
(e) None of the above
694. A pattern of maladaptive behaviour in which a person responds to life stress with persistent anxiety or other behaviour representing attempts to control the anxiety is known as:
(a) Psychosis
(b) Psychosomatic Disorder
(c) Neurosis
(d) Mental Retardation
(e) None of the above
695. The chief symptom of neurosis is:
(a) Anxiety
(b) Tension
(c) Delusion
(d) Hallucination
(e) None of the above
696. The relation of a neurotic with reality is:
(a) Not defective
(b) Haphazard
(c) Dynamic
(d) Defective
(e) None of the above
697. Amnesia refers to:
(a) Long term memory (LTM)
(b) Short term memory (STM)
(c) Loss of Memory
(d) Reminiscence
(e) None of the above
698. A “fugue” is a combination of:
(a) Amnesia and Physical flight
(b) Astasia-Abasia and Somnabulism
(c) Paresthesia and Anesthesia
(d) Cramps and Visceral impairment
(e) None of the above
699. Who coined the word “neurses” to explain disordered sensations of the nervous system?
(a) I.P. Pavlov
(b) R.L. Jenkins
(c) William Cullen
(d) J. D. Page
(e) None of the above
700. One important advantage of neurosis over psychosis is that a neurotic is conscious of his:
(a) Abnormal symptoms
(b) Personally
(c) Creativity
(d) Intelligence
(e) None of the above
601. (c) 602. (c) 603. (d) 604. (b) 605. (c) 606. (b) 607. (c) 608. (d) 609. (c) 610. (b) 611. (a) 612. (c) 613. (b) 614. (c) 615. (d) 616. (d) 617. (a) 618. (a) 619. (c) 620. (b) 621. (b) 622. (c) 623. (a) 624. (b) 625. (b) 626. (a) 627. (d) 628. (b) 629. (a) 630. (b) 631. (b) 632. (a) 633. (c) 634. (a) 635. (c) 636. (b) 637. (c) 638. (d) 639. (b) 640. (c) 641. (a) 642. (d) 643. (c) 644. (c) 645. (c) 646. (a) 647. (c) 648. (d) 649. (a) 650. (c) 651. (d) 652. (d) 653. (d) 654. (d) 655. (c) 656. (c) 657. (a) 658. (d) 659. (d) 660. (d) 661. (c) 662. (a) 663. (c) 664. (a) 665. (c)666. (d) 667. (d) 668. (d) 669. (d) 670. (d) 671. (d) 672. (b) 673. (a) 674. (c) 675. (b)676. (d) 677. (d) 678. (b) 679. (c) 680. (b) 681. (d) 682. (d) 683. (d) 684. (c) 685. (b)686. (d) 687. (d) 688. (d) 689. (c) 690. (b) 691. (d) 692. (d) 693. (d) 694. (c) 695. (a)696. (a) 697. (c) 698. (a) 699. (c) 700. (a)