Procedure for the Control of Non- Conforming Products in a Quality Management System are given below:
1. Purpose:
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a documented system for identification, documentation, evaluation, segregation and disposition of non-conforming product and for notification to the functions concerned.
This document sets out the procedures, which the Company uses to ensure that the above requirements are met.
2. Scope and Responsibility:
This procedure applies to all deficiencies identified relating to the Company product, process and Quality System.
It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to approve this document. It shall be the responsibility of the Engineering Manager (MR) to issue, update and maintain this document.
3. Definitions:
Non-conformity – The non-fulfillment of specified requirements.
Verification – Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
Specified requirements – Documented instructions, procedures, specifications or guidelines
Corrective Action – Action taken to eliminate the cause of an existing nonconformity, defect or other undesirable situation in order to prevent its recurrence.
Preventive Action – Action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential non-conformity, defect or undesirable situation in order to prevent its recurrence.
4. Procedure:
Any responsible person within the company is responsible for identifying and documenting non-conformances. Non-conformance Report Forms (NCR’s) are available from the Engineering Manager (MR). On completion the originator should pass the form to the MR for action.
The MR or his nominated representative is responsible for registering the non-conformance in the NCR Logbook. He is responsible for designating the relevant personnel who shall be responsible for evaluation, segregation (when practical), and disposition of Non-conforming Product.
The Department against which the NCR has been issued shall investigate the causes of the non-conformance and shall propose and initiate corrective and/or preventive action.
Where appropriate, various members of the department or associated departments should be consulted to get a broader view of the situation.
After proposing and auctioning the Corrective or Preventive Action the NCR form shall be returned to the MR who shall verify the implementation and effectiveness of the action and if satisfied shall close the NCR.
The closed NCR shall be signed off in the NCR logbook and the MR shall be responsible for its filing.
When the action proposed has not been implemented, the MR shall advise the Managing Director who shall be responsible for ensuring that the action proposed is implemented immediately or suitable reasons are found to justify it’s not being completed.
When the action proposed has not been implemented correctly or has not effectively solved the problem the MR shall close off the NCR and raise another and with the personnel concerned shall propose alternative actions to resolve the problem.
Where a non-conforming product has to be released to satisfy a contract requirement the MR is responsible for ensuring that the customer approves such a concession. The MR shall ensure that records are maintained of all concessions.
All NCR’s shall be reviewed and discussed at Management Review Meetings with a view to assisting future Preventive Actions.