The European Community at present consists of 15 member states – Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Finland.
A large number of companies in the European Union buying goods and services demand from their supplier’s adherence to the ISO-9000 series.
The United Kingdom has already taken initiative in this direction and more than 15,000 U.K. companies have already been assessed and certified adhering to ISO 9000.
It should be clearly understood that the purchase power of the European Union is tremendous and India cannot afford to keep silent at the changing scenario in the European Union Market.
In fact, E.U. is the leader in the world trade followed by US and Japan. Over the years, the European Union has emerged as India’s largest trading partner.
We can sustain this position only if the Indian industry could adopt IS/ISO 9000 standards. Our ability to carve out a better share of EC Market will also help us in establishing our products and services in other developed countries of the world outside E.U., on the strength of improved quality reputation and competitive edge of our products and services by adhering to ISO 9000 standards.
List of Products where compulsory ISO 9000 certification is required in Euro:
1. Toys
2. Simple” pres/pre vessels
3. Electromagnetic compatibility
4. Gas appliances
5. Personal protective equipment
6. Machinery
7. Medical devices (active and non-active)
8. Active implantable medical devices
9. Non-automatic weighing instruments
10. Telecommunication terminal equipment
11. Upholstered furniture
12. Recreational craft
13. Pressure vessels
14. Lifting equipment e.g. Ski-lifts
15. Marine equipment
16. Equipment in explosive atmosphere
17. Temporary structures e.g. Scaffolding fairground equipment
18. Children’s playground equipment
19. Medical diagnostic kits