According to the leader of American freedom, late President Abraham Lincon, Democracy meant ‘A Government of the people, for the people and by the people’. Democracy in U.S.A has been established on this basis.
They believe that the individual is not for the state, but the state is for the safety and welfare of the individual. There will be no dearth of able citizens in a democracy if people are mentally and culturally developed.
It is, therefore, the duty of the state that it provides all possible educational and other facilities to its people in order to make them capable and worthy citizens.
Every individual should get an opportunity of development according to his need, interest and aptitude without any distinctions of caste, colour or creed. This work can be done by the Government alone.
All the social units in U.S.A. are free to develop this national feeling and for this there is no provision of any political or social system. National Education in America follows the following three traditions:
(i) English should be the medium of instruction.
(ii) Educational literature should be universal.
(iii) Education should conform to the national ideals.
Education in U.S.A has been classified into different stages. The following are the four main stages of American education:-
(a) Primary stage
(b) Secondary stage
(c) College or Higher Education
(d) Vocational stage.
Institutions from Primary to College stage are administered by the Local School Boards on State responsibility. Vocational education is given after secondary and college stage. The public schools do not give vocational training.
Vocational training institutions are quite separate from public schools and are conducted by the Federal and State Government. Besides general courses, facilities exist for industrial courses, vocational courses and professional specialization.
Public Schools administered by the Local School Boards are the pillars of American Educational system. These schools fulfilled the need of scientific and vocational education much more efficiently and successfully than the schools administered by the Federal Government.
These schools have gained importance also because of their structural changes with the change in needs and ideals. This is the reason that these schools could provide necessary facilities and training as soon as a new system of education was introduced or the need for some new educational change was felt.
These schools provide all possible facilities of training in commercial and professional subjects as well as in specialization.