The international relations among the states are often accompanied by the mechanics of power. But, the nation’s power is not absolute. They are limited by a number of factors:
1. Balance of Power:
By this principle, sizeable restriction is placed on the power of a state. The existence of a number of powers in the international arena automatically limits the power.
2. International Law:
International law operates as a body of rules having binding character on the nation states. As such, it limits the power of nation.
3. International Morality:
A set of norms valued by the international society also acts as limitation of power. Even though they are neither codified, nor binding, they enjoy great sanctity. Certain values like peace, equality, mutual respect etc. remain core element of international relations.
4. International Organizations:
Agency like U.N. remains a check on growing preponderance of power. Through its activities it checks and balances power of nations in the international relations.
5. World Public Opinion:
This aspect has acquired prominence in recent times like the anti-Vietnam war protests and peace movements have revealed what people can do in international relations. States can no longer remain aloof from the public opinion.
6. Collective Security:
A principle that emphasizes that international peace and security is the common objective of all nations, has limited quest for power.
The efficacy of these limitations not with-standing, power struggle continues even in highly interdependent world.
Quest for leverage in different dimensions of international life continues unabated. Moreover, it has acquired much sophistication so that power struggle has become a phenomenon among the big powers.