The common methods of protecting and promoting national interests are as follows:
1. Diplomacy:
Diplomacy has been regarded as a means for securing the national interest for a long time and it still constitutes the most effective means for this purpose.
Generally diplomatic negotiations are used to reconcile the conflicting claims. Though, diplomacy is regarded as a universal aspect of international life, it is by no means successful in achieving every end.
2. Propaganda:
Propaganda means the art of convincing others to accept the desired course of action. As Frankel says “propaganda is systematic attempt to affect the minds, emotions and actions of a given group for a specific public purpose”.
Almost every regime seeks to maximize its national interests by resorting to technique of propaganda. Hitler and Mussolini made use of it to enhance their influence in Europe.
3. Alliances and Treaties:
In order to protect and promote their national interest, almost every state enter into alliances and treaties. Famous military alliances like NATO and Warsaw pact were entered into by countries to protect their interests.
4. Economic Aid and Loan:
The division of world into the rich and poor has made the latter more vulnerable. The rich countries often use economic aid and loan to promote their interests vis-a-vis the poor states. Marshal Plan started in 1948 by U.S.A. is eloquent testimony to this aspect of international relations.
5. Coercive Measures:
Some of the important coercive measures of national interest are as follows: Intervention, embargoes, boycotts, non-intercourse, reprisals, retort ion. Though war and aggression are regarded as illegal means, most often nations resort to war as a means securing national interest.
Idealists consider national interest to be a dangerous view. If every state starts promoting its own interest, the interest of other states may be hindered. Prof. Ronalds has criticized the idea of national interest on the ground that it often denies the individual interests.
Hence, it becomes crucial that everyone should acknowledge the broader interests of international society while giving shape and momentum to their national interest.