“A Code of Morals” by Rudyard Kipling’s is a humorous poem that describes a fictional interpretation of a heliograph signal in 19th Century in Afghanistan. The poem depicts the sadness of a newly-wed couple who are separated by fate, actually because Jones, newly wed groom has to go to the borders to fight for his country.
Before he leaves he tells his wife that she should always follow a moral code even while her husband is away from her. She has to respect the elders, stay away from young guys because she is young and the code of conduct can be broken any time. The poem truly depicts the fact that each and every human being has to live by a code of morals i.e. certain rules and regulations formulated by the society. Everyone has to follow the rules and regulations of a society but Kipling says that there comes a time when everyone wants to break the morals regulating the society.
The pain that an individual, especially the people who are in love face while being separated, is truly depicted in the lines when the poet says, “Dash dot dot, dot, dot dash, dot dash dot” twice. The General swore. “Was ever General Officer addressed as ‘dear’ before? The lovers cannot even express their love when they speak over the phone and the reason is they have to follow the code of morals.
Even the major general, the head was not allowed to express his love directly. The poet also stresses the importance of the soldiers who die in the battlefield fighting for their motherland. We all cannot be like these soldiers, but we should respect their courage and the code of conduct they follow just for the protection of their own country. They do not care whether they die in the process. How many of the people of today’s young generation have the courage to do so? Quite a few of them can do so.
Rudyard Kipling also stresses on the fact that the soldiers who die in such a way are immortal because it is impossible to do what they have done, such a sacrifice results in an individual remaining immortal for the nation and also in the hearts of the citizens of the nation. The poet says “But the tale is on the Frontier, and from Michni to Mooltan, they know the worthy General as “that most immoral man.” These lines depict the fact that the general, their general was the most immortal man. Death could not separate him from his soldiers.
Despite their hearts filled with grief, the soldiers are sincerely paying homage to their dead general; only one significant fact is now visible, these soldiers are following the code of morals still. Not only the soldiers follow these code of morals but they also tell their wives and family to follow them just for the progress of the nation.