Tamil Nadu Government, during the chief ministership of late M.G. Ramachandran emerged as the pioneer in the introduction of Nutritious Noon Meal Scheme to poor school children. The other Indian states have followed closely the success of their programme and are inspired to of introducing the same in their own states.
This scheme feeds millions of poor children whose parents cannot afford to give them a square meal a day. In that sense, the scheme was a success and one can see that the large quantities of food and serving them to these children during the noon interval.
The Government of Tamil Nadu has analysed the indirect advantage of this scheme, which meant a cost of several lakhs of rupees to the exchequer every year. It is believed that there will be no more dropouts from schools.
The poor parents sent their children to schools at least to partake of the meal served to them. This effort to improve literacy rate at the primary level was crowned with success. The Government has also introduced free supply of textbooks and footwear to poor children.
First of all, it is a scheme which is bound to elicit popular support because a majority of our people are poor and with the increasing cost of living, more and more ways to get something for nothing. It is also a highly humanitarian.
When the child’s stomach is empty, we cannot expect a poor mind to be receptive to ideas. It is a healthy solution to a crucial mortality in the long run. Many children in India suffer from malnutrition and deficiencies; a nutritious meals is their vital need.
Innumerable critical comments have been heard from various well-to-do sections of the society. Many felt that the scheme would make the government bankrupt and empty the coffers. Some felt it was unjust to take public money and spend it on a minority class.
The scheme, whether it was a success or not millions of hungry mouths have been fed and the public funds are spent on a worthy cause. Other state Governments can emulate this scheme and bring out the significance of the scheme in today’s soaring cost of living.