If the administrative agencies have to properly exercise their powers, they have to be made responsible to appropriate authorities. Whereas accountability means, liability to give a satisfactory account of the exercise of power of discretion vested in some authority to which it is due, failing which some kinds of civil action or punishment may follow.
Government > Legislature”/>
The system of accountability to which administration is subject, may be built up of constitutional provisions, statues, rules, judicial decisions and, precedents, and customs and usages. In other words, (a) the legislature (b) the electorate (c) the administrative superiors (d) professional and (e) judicial.
In a parliamentary system such as in India or Great Britain, control of the administration by the legislature is important. It is of great importance because all state activities emanate from the legislature. The cardinal principle of parliamentary system is the responsibility of the executive to the legislature.
The executive therefore cannot afford to be irresponsible. It has to be responsible for each and every act of its civil servants. The accountability of administration is thus indirect because it is enforced through the executive. The official cannot be called to the floor of the House to explain his act.
It is the Minister who shoulders the responsibility for the administrative acts of his department. If he is unable to satisfy the parliament, he has to quit office. Sometime the entire ministry may have to quit. That is, however, a very drastic step, results the resignation of the Cabinet and so on.
Moreover, due to the peculiar way of the working of the party system, this method is seldom available, in practice to the parliament in India, where strong party discipline prevails. Certain more handy methods of the control are, therefore used by the legislature to exercise pressure on the Government.