AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. Human body has a strong immuno capacity.
It is capable of fighting all diseases to a large extent. AIDS is a disease that causes deficiency of human immuno system. Therefore, AIDS causes, death, pain and misery.
AIDS poses one of the biggest threats to the human existence. It is caused by HIV (The Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
In order to lead an AIDS-free life, one must know all about HIV for knowledge is the best defence against AIDS.
HIV gets transmitted through:
i. Unprotected sex with an infected partner.
ii. Transfusion of infected blood and blood products.
iii. Use of contaminated needles and syringes.
iv. From an infected mother to her baby before, during or soon after birth.
To keep away from AIDS all one needs to do is:
1. To Avoid Casual/Multiperson Sex:
It may be noted:
Sex must always be enjoyed with only one partner, always with own wife/husband.
It is advised that for keeping the body free from all types of sexually transmitted diseases as well as other contagious/infectious diseases, one must always be very particular in sharing sexual intercourse.
It is also strongly recommended that while going to start mating sex even with own life partner, one must always ensure that the person being so mated with does not have STDs/AIDS and other such diseases.
In case of any such chance, the same must immediately be cured.
2. To Use Condom During Sexual Intercourse:
How does a condom help?
A Condom helps!
i. In prevention of pregnancies.
ii. In prevention of STDs.
iii. In keeping one safe from acquiring the HIV infection.
What does a Condom do?
A condom provides a mechanical barrier. It prevents direct contact from potentially infected semen and vaginal fluids in different ways, e.g.,
i. Direct contact with vagina/cervix/penis.
ii. Direct contact with anus/rectum.
iii. Direct contact with mouth.
iv. Direct contact with exposed wounds.
How to use a Condom?
To correctly put on a condom:
1. Open the packet carefully.
2. Pinch out the air from the teat with the thumb and forefinger.
3. Roll down the condom over erect penis.
4. Roll it down to the base of the penis.
5. After ejaculation and before the penis goes limp, unroll the condom carefully to ensure that no semen escapes.
6. Wrap in a paper carefully and dispose after use.
3. Before accepting blood or blood products, to make sure that they have been screened for HIV
Bear in mind:
i. Blood products like plasma, factor 8, Rh Factor, immunoglobulin, interferon etc. also should not be accepted until one is sure that they have been screened for HIV.
ii. In case of requirement of blood, always prefer to accept blood from family and friends instead of buying blood from professional donors as one cannot be sure of the quality of blood donated by him.
iii. Donating blood does not carry the risk of transmission of HIV infection as needles used for these purposes are sterile.
iv. You could rule out the risk of acquiring HIV infection when you go in for a blood-test if the equipment being used on you is sterile.
Some More Information:
i. Menstrual blood of an HIV positive woman is infective.
ii. Mosquitoes are not capable of transmitting HIV infection as the HIV is not able to survive or replicate inside the intestine of the mosquito.
iii. Medical personnel are at a potential risk of acquiring HIV infection as they have to deal with blood and other body fluids.
But the risk is very minimal if precautionary measures such as use of gloves, masks, and goggles are taken when handling potentially infected material.
iv. Dried blood is not infective as the HIV cannot live long outside the body and cannot survive in a dried form.
4. To use sterilized or disposable needles/syringes
Bear in Mind:
i. Do not indulge in sharing of needles and syringes for taking intravenous drugs.
ii. Before using a needle/syringe make sure that it is sterile. If possible buy and use a disposable needle syringe.
iii. Ear piercing and tattooing could transmit HIV infection if the needle/wire used to pierce the ears/tattooing purposes is contaminated.
To eliminate this risk ensure that the needle/wire being used to pierce the ears/for tattooing is sterilized by flaming before use.
iv. Each time you go for a blood-test verify whether the equipment to be used on you is sterilized.
v. Donating blood carries no risk of acquiring HIV infection as needles uses for this purpose are always sterile.
How to Sterilize Needles/Syringes?
1. The easiest method for sterilizing needles/syringes is by boiling them for a minimum of 30 minutes.
2. The second method for sterilizing is by using bleach powder.
i. Before using bleach, wash the needle with water.
ii. Make a bleach solution using 1 part of bleach to 10 parts of water.
iii. Fill and flush the syringes at least 2-3 times. Keeping the bleach solution in it for 20 seconds each time.
iv. After bleaching, flush the syringe and needle several times again with clean water.
v. Never reuse water and bleach solution once used in the sterilizing process.
5. To get a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) treated promptly by a qualified doctor as untreated STDs increase chances of acquiring HIV infection.
What are STDs?
STDs are Sexually Transmitted Diseases; they can be transmitted through vaginal or anal intercourse or through oral sex with an infected person.
STDs are serious; they can be very painful and can cause a lot of damage to the body often resulting in illness, intertility, various disabilities and even death.
In pregnant women, some STDs can infect babies in the womb or during delivery causing birth defects or even death.
What are the Common Symptoms of STDs?
An individual infected with a sexually transmitted disease could suffer from:
i. Red patches on/near private parts.
ii. Burning or itching on/near private parts.
iii. Boils on/near private parts.
iv. Bleeding while urination whiles discharge and a difficulty in passing urine.
Can Condom help prevent an STD?
Yes. Using a condom not only saves one from acquiring an STD but it also helps in prevention of acquiring AIDS.
How do untreated STDs increase the risk of HIV infection?
STDs cause genital sores or ulcers which provide easy entry points for the HIV.
Some More Guidelines to remain free from STDs:
i. Avoid multipartner sex. Use a condom.
ii. One should seek immediate treatment from a qualified doctor if he acquires an STD and also get his partner examined promptly for the same.
iii. It is imperative for each individual to be very particular about personal hygiene.
Are HIV infected persons to be kept alienated?
No! If persons infected from HIV adopt an open and healthy style of living, they can for long survive a normal and healthy life.
HIV infected persons should be treated with the same love and care as is provided to persons suffering from other incurable diseases.
AIDS is also like other diseases and persons suffering from AIDS feel a healthy by the care and love of family and friends.
AIDS patients want your friendship and affection; do not abandon them, as it is not transmitted by friendship.
Some Facts and Myths about HIV/AIDS:
i. HIV cannot get transmitted by casual contact such as touching, holding hands, shaking hands, working or playing together, sharing food vessels, and clothes, eating food cooked by an infected person, mosquito and other insect bites, swimming pools and toilets.
To keep away from AIDS all one needs to do is :
1. To avoid casual/multipartner sex.
2. To use condom during sexual intercourse.
3. Before accepting blood or blood products, to make sure that they have been screened for HIV.
4. To use sterilized or disposable needles/syringes.
5. To get a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) treated promptly by a qualified doctor as untreated STDs increase chances of acquiring HIV infection.