Magic is an art and has to be acquired. The practitioner has to work hard to develop the skills of magic. Some of the important elements of magic are given below:
(1) Tylor has classified the practices of magic. These practices are scientific. The practitioner works as a scientist. For instance, Tylor says that things which appear similar are put into one category.
For example, jaundice bears yellow colour and gold also has the same colour. Magic establishes relationship between these two because of their similar colour. Bohannan does not agree with this theory. He says that in magical practices no logic of association applies.
(2) Magic is individual-oriented. A person perceives a thing in a particular way; this perception works in his magical practices.
(3) According to Malinowski, there is important role of mantras. Mantras have the power to imitate the natural voice and, therefore, for successful result of magical practices mantras are important.
Second, the magician explains the present situation in this language and orders for the fulfillment of his desires. Third, the mantras refer to the name of those ancestors who have imparted the magical skills.
(4) While chanting the mantras the magician continuously does some activities; for instance, he moves his hands, makes faces and gestures. These physical activities are believed to strengthen the power of magic.
(5) The magician exercises some restrain in terms of diet and sex relations during the days when he engages himself in magical practices.
(6) Magical practices cannot be done at the discretion of the magician. There are some fixed days which are considered to be suitable for this. For instance, the last day of the dark half of month or amavasya is most suitable for learning and doing magic. Again, the days of Dassehra, particularly Navratri, is good for magical practices.
(7) Malinowski says that discipline is most important in the practice of magic. The first thing which is required of a magician is to spell out the objectives of magic. He has to perform them with great caution. A little fault could boomerang on the magician himself. It is because of this that the magician lives a pathetic life in his old age.
(8) In accordance with the objectives of magical practices the magician makes physical gestures to empower his magic.
Frazer and Malinowski have observed interesting instances about the magical practices among the tribals of Australia and Africa. Nadel has also referred to magic in his description of Nupe religion. Evans- Pritchard gives elaborate descriptions about magical practices and its elements among the Azandes.