Pesticides are chemicals that make our produce perfect, and our yards free of pests. Pesticides are poisons with die sole purpose of killing. They are intended to kill weeds, insects and fungus.
There are three types of pesticides called herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Every pesticide has an active ingredient, and an inert ingredient. The active ingredient is the poison that kills he pest, and the inert ingredient is the carrying, or spreading compound. Pesticides were once thought of as a miracle cure for hunger. They were supposed to keep crops free of pests, and mosquitoes under control.
People were not aware of the dangers that these poisons possessed. DDT was supposed to be a, benefactor for all humanity. There were few regulations on the use of DDT use. It was even sprayed where children played. It was intended to kill mosquitoes, but it ended up the poisoning, even killing people.
There is a basic progression that occurs when the body is poisoned by a pesticide. First there is a biochemical inactivation of an enzyme. Next this biochemical change leads to cellular change. Then the cellular change causes symptoms of poisoning seen or felt in the particular organ where the enzyme that was deactivated was.
All this changes a body’s homeostasis, and when homeostasis cannot be maintained or restored, disease occurs. Most effects aren’t permanent, but may take a long time to completely recover from. However, some do cause permanent damage. The damage of pesticide poisoning varies. It can affect just one particular organ system, or it can affect a number of organ systems. Another problem that pesticide poisoning possess is detection.
A history of being exposed to chemicals can cause illness that can be hard to distinguish from a viral infection, such as die flu. One might go to long without treatment thinking they have a virus that they will eventually overcome, when in reality they have been poisoned by pesticides, which can lead to worse and worse damage over time.
People, who handle chemicals frequently in the course of their jobs and become ill, should tell their physicians about their previous exposure to chemicals.
Pesticides have been linked to cancer in many situations, but, dentists do not yet understand exactly how cancer occurs or why some chemicals seem to cause cancer and other do not. Concentrations of DDT have been found in the breast milk of mothers in Central America. At least 136 active in gradients in pesticides have been found to cause cancer in Nolan or animals.